Why do I say don’t buy The Venus Factor before you read what I have to say? Let me explain: First, if you go to the official site, most of the time they, obviously, won’t tell you the bad or the negatives about the product they’re trying to sell, right?
…and to make things worse most of the Venus Factor reviews that you may find online are written by partners or associates of the seller that just pretend to make a commission and will tell you just good things about The Venus Factor… I’m sure you know what I’m talking about…
Gerina-ReillySo, what should you do if you want to find real, high quality, facts-based information about the Venus Factor? Well nothing! Fortunately you’re here, just sit back and relax, you’re in good hands!
For those of you that still don’t know me I’m Gerina Reilly, Writer, Nutritionist and Natural Medicine Researcher and Developer… But since most of you already know me I won’t spend you’re valuable time talking about me…
Since I briefly mentioned The Venus Factor in my most recent book, ‘Natural Products For Weight Loss’, my readers and followers have been flowing my inbox and my Blogs asking me to do a more detailed analysis about the Venus Factor…
So I did: I bought, tried, researched and analyzed everything that is to know about The Venus Factor and in this post I’ll disclose all my findings… I promise you that here you’ll have it all, the good and the bad, the pretty and the ugly, just about everything…
When you’re done reading this post you will know all that you need to know regarding The Venus Factor in a very open-minded, objective way and you’ll be able to make a smart, facts-based decision about this popular Weight Loss Program… and from a source you know you can always trust :)

In Summary Here is What You’ll Find in This Post:

  • What is the Venus Factor?
  • Who Created the Venus Factor Diet Program?
  • How Does this Weight Loss Program Work?
  • Components of the Venus Factor Program: What’s Inside!
  • What Kind of Results Can be Expected from the Venus Factor?
  • Positives & Negatives about the Venus Factor
  • What are the Risks Associated with A Leptin Diet?
  • Is it Backed by Science / Clinical Trials / Studies?
  • Will the Venus Factor Work for You?
  • How Hard it is to Follow the Venus Factor Program?
  • What Real Users Have to Say about the Venus Factor?
  • Conclusion of My Venus Factor Review
  • Is the Venus Factor Risk-Free? Any Guarantee?

Conclusion of My Venus Factor Review

First, let me be completely honest: THIS SYSTEM IS NOT A MAGIC PILL..!! Not all women who try The Venus Factor will get the same fantastic results. Your chances of success are directly related with your commitment to this program. If you are not serious enough to change your life THIS PROGRAM WILL NOT WORK FOR YOU, and I don’t think any program will.
conclusion-of-venus-factor-diet-reviewsOne of the thing I liked the most about The Venus Factor is that it is tuned to the female body, compared to most other diet plans which are usually made for men and women.
It’s also an ‘all-in-one solution’: exercise, dieting and nutrition … You DO NOT have to buy or do anything else. All the tools you need to succeed from start to finish are included in the package you receive.
If you’re still not sure you take a look at the FREE Video Presentation, it will explain the concepts from the program in more details and will also explain why losing weight is so much harder for women than for men.
I ‘m a firm believer that in order to look great and feel great “Permanently” the right thing to do is to follow a program that lead us into a path where we can make small but effective changes in our daily nutrition and lifestyle and of course to add some exercise (we got no choice here)…
If all we do is to follow a strict diet for a while, even if we lose some weight, we’ll always have the tendency to abandon the diet and eventually gain the weight back, or worse getting bigger and heavier than before…
In order to change this behavior for good we need to make some permanent changes in our lives, but changes that don’t ruin our way of life, changes that we all can live happily with, and after trying it for only a few weeks I honestly think that The Venus Factor can lead us into that path.

Is The Venus Factor Risk-Free? Any Guarantee?

If I decide the Venus Factor is not for me, can I just get my money back? If you’re not happy with it, you have a 60 day no-questions asked money back guarantee leaving no risk and not excuse for no trying and may be actually be the first step towards a healthier and more fulfilling life?

Can The Venus Factor Be Purchased from Off-Line Stores?

No, the program is only available online and make sure you get it from The Venus Factor Official Website so you don’t get scammed. In the Official Site all purchases are processed via their highly secure server, so there are no chances of any fraud.
the-venus-factor-diet-free-downloadAs you will notice in the official Website The Venus factor is McAffe SECURE & DOCTOR TRUSTED!
It is delivered by Electronic Download. Once you’re payment is approved you can download the ENTIRE program immediately from the special member’s site.
Nothing is physically shipped to you, so there is no need to wait, worry about damaged packaging or pay for shipping, which I think is great!
IMPORTANT..!!! Something else before you go: If you really want to give The Venus Factor a try but don’t have the $47 to purchase the system, there is a $9.99, 7-days trial offer right now that you may take advantage of. Go here to get the 7 days trial offer. However, I think that going for the trial offer may sometimes be a problem and here is why: If you have the $47 to get the whole program, but you still go for the $9.99 trial you may be setting yourself up for failure…!!!
Why??? Because you are “No Committed Enough” to change your life. You are just checking out to see what happen… I strongly believe that in order to be successful you need to be DECISIVELY COMMITTED TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE ONCE AND FOR ALL otherwise you will not make it! Period. You may briefly read some pages, go through some of the videos (if you have the time), and then, you will probably get busy and get back to your day to day life and eventually forget about it.
To succeed, not only with this program, but in everything you do in life, YOU NEED TO COMMIT, decide you can do it (cause you can), decide you will do it and decide you you’ll stick with it, no matter what… then, and only then, you will succeed!
Ah, and you feel more comfortable with Spanish or Portuguese? Good News! The Venus factor is now also available in Spanish and Portuguese =)

Some Venus Factor User Reviews

The important thing to understand about this diet plan for women (the Venus Factor system, if you will) is that it has been designed and developed from the ground to be the most complete way to lose weight but also the safest, fastest, and most reliable. On top of that, this isn’t just a program that has been designed to help you lose fat (though that is the major focus of this program).

What is this Highly Popular Weight Loss Program?

It’s also going to help you tone and tighten your entire body, giving you that very attractive, sexy, and sleek body you’ve always dreamed without having to spend hours and hours in the gym for throwing out all of your favorite foods! This is because the entire program ones creative time a world-class nutritionist, researcher, and personal fitness fanatic, a man that we are going to learn a bit more about later on in this Venus Factor review.
Most programs for women don’t address the real issue of shaping your body. They are either based only on diet and some abdominal exercise or work out your whole body the same way and completely neglect the most important factor – your naturally attractive shape!

How Does the Venus Factor Work?

The Venus factor workout manual and schedule covers a 12 week workout routine that comes in 3 different phases. Leptin – sometimes called “hunger hormone” – is a peptide hormone that regulates appetite and fat stores in the body and is responsible for creating a feeling of satiety. In simplified terms, its function is storage and mobilization of fatty acids in your body.
Venus Factor is a weight loss system for women, which is based on the combinations of specific exercises and nutritional guidelines for women with additional help of advanced software calculators for body and nutritional measurement accuracy. The system also includes women’s communities for feedback and help and extremely helpful psychological tools in avoiding staleness and encouraging motivation and ensuring optimal results.

What is Included in the Venus Factor Program:

The Venus Factor Diet and Weight Loss Manual – a 180-page ebook
The 12-Week Venus Factor Workout System – a library with instructional exercise videos
The Venus Factor Virtual Nutritionist – an app that helps you to track calories and protein intake according to your body.
The Venus Community – access to the exclusive Venus Factor community, including blogs, forums, etc.
The Venus Index Podcasts – audio interviews by other Venus Factor members on their success stories

Will this Weight Loss System Work for You?

The Venus Factor is a real and highly successful program that has been around a long time. It is the creation of fitness and nutrition expert John Barban with thousands of customers to testify it. Some programs seem to focus only on the diet part, while modern research concludes that working out is just as important. You may have seen weight loss shows such as ‘The Biggest Loser’ on TV? Have you noticed how they focus a lot on the exercise part? This isn’t a coincidence.
You can obviously lose weight with just a diet, the problem is that you will also lose muscle. Now, as we all know, muscles burn fat. The more muscles you have, the more fat you’ll burn. Therefore, an important part of weight loss is to maintain muscle. This is why we often see that people who are trying to lose weight the first time will plateau!

Why Is Venus Factor Unique?

As mentioned earlier, the Internet is laden with weight loss programs that are mostly generic. Venus Factor is one of the handful of weight loss programs that were specifically designed for women.

Pros and Cons

The Venus Factor is certainly a solid program, but it may not be right for every woman. The strengths and weaknesses we found include:

At First Glance

The first comments come from a woman who says that the Venus program appears to be a good one, although she observes that the fitness element in it is based on aesthetic goals rather than functional strength. In other words, it gives you a body to be proud of, not necessarily one that’s the muscular product of excessive gym work. (Thank heavens for that.)
The Venus Factor is scientifically researched and laser targeted at how a woman’s body works. Written specifically for women, this program is not a rehash of something written for the guys, and that’s why the results are so dramatically different from anything you may have tried before,” says Stevenson. “The program strips away all the misinformation that they’ve probably ingested and tried in many shapes and forms, and gets right down to the nitty-gritty that’s essential if you want to lose weight, and lose it for good. Designed to see lose the excess weight and get in shape for good, this program takes us back to the basics of weight loss.

My Venus Factor Review Conclusion

The Venus Factor has done well in creating a new way for women to lose weight. While still keeping some of the classic elements of workouts (because let’s face it, eating less and working out more does work), the Venus Factor was able to grasp onto a scientific concept that has long been overlooked by the weight loss community —Leptin. The program is backed by a Full 60-Day Money Back Guarantee in case you are not happy with it, you get a full refund, no questions asked. To find out how you can get a special offer on the Venus Factor, click the link below right now:

Consumer Advice Before You Buy

With the success of The Venus Factor, many have taken to the internet with “get rich quick schemes” hoping to cash in on people’s need to lose weight. They have come up with a leptin supplement capsule, which is little more than capsulated fiction. When your body becomes resistant to leptin, it doesn’t matter how much more you take, it has already hit the ceiling and will not come down regardless how much you throw at it, and that’s if what is in those capsules is even leptin at all.
I would say, from the products I’ve bought and tried, that as much as half the programs on the market are complete garbage. Then, most of the other half are OK … but they offer very little new… Something certainly not worth paying for. They’ll tell you to exercise and eat less, and you’ll lose weight. How many times haven’t you heard that?